DSM-5™ in Action

Application, Assessment and Treatment Strategy



Sophia F. Dziegielewski, Ph.D., LCSW


Proposed Agenda: 6 hours (detailed summary)  [Length may vary by location/sponsor]


I. Explanation and Usage of the Changes in the DSM-5

     Examination of the Rationale for Revisions 

     Overview of Billing Concerns and Implications

     Overview of the Selected Formatting and Diagnostic Changes between the DSM-IV-TR and DSM-5

II. Utilization of Dimensional Assessment Strategy

III. Structure, Format and Diagnostic Recording 

     Over-view of Specific Mental Health Conditions and Implications for Practice Strategy


This workshop is designed to cover the basic changes and practical implications when using DSM-5 in mental health assessment, treatment planning and evidence-based practice strategy.  Particular emphasis is placed on examining what was expected in the DSM-IV/DSM-IV-TR, and how it relates to DSM-5. Stress is placed on understanding the rationale for the changes; how it relates to diagnostic coding and billing; as well as, the rationale and the implications these changes can have on developing best practices, treatment planning and overall treatment strategy. An overview of selected diagnostic categories will be examined stressing the diagnostic-assessment, and how it is linked to behavior-based practice strategy.  Selected disorders across the lifespan that will be covered include: the Addictive Disorders, Schizophrenia Spectrum and the Psychotic Disorders, the Anxiety and Depressive Disorders and the Personality Disorders.



After completion of the course, participants will be able to:

·     Identify components related to professional use of the DSM-5 in the practice environment.

·     Identify the rationale and resulting changes between the DSM-IV-TR and DSM-5.

·     Identify several major diagnostic categories and the criteria for proper diagnostic assessments and evaluations.

·     Utilize the dimensional assessment strategy outlined in DSM-5 on selected disorders.


Workshop leader will be Dr. Sophia F. Dziegielewski.  Selected books by the presenter will be available.



Supporting References:

American Psychiatric Association. (2013). Diagnostic and statistical manual of mental disorders (5th ed.). Washington, DC: American Psychiatric Press.  

American Psychiatric Association. (2001). Diagnostic and statistical manual of mental disorders (4th ed., rev). Washington, DC: American Psychiatric Press.  


Presenter’s Publications:

Dziegielewski, S.F. (In Press). DSM-5™  in action (3rd Edition). Hoboken, NJ: John Wiley & Sons.

Dziegielewski, S.F. (2014).  DSM-IV-TR™  in action (2nd Edition DSM-5 Update). Hoboken, NJ: John Wiley & Sons.  (First edition published in 2001, 2nd ed. published 2010).

Dziegielewski, S.F. (2010). Social work practice and psychopharmacology: A person-in-environment approach.  New York: Springer Publishing.

Dziegielewski, S.F. (2006). Psychopharmacology handbook for the non-medically trained. New York: W.W. Norton.

Dziegielewski, S.F. (2005). Understanding substance addictions: Assessment and intervention. Chicago: Lyceum Books.




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